Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Cleaning up

Last week, my boyfriend and I made a deal.. as we both have too many stuff in the room and our rooms are always in a mess..
We made a deal that in this week, we both have to clean up our rooms and compare one to the other. What do the winner get? Well, we don't make that kind of deal.. The room just have to be clean and well arranged like neat and so on, and it has to be maintained. And at the end of each week, we have to show each other our rooms' pictures..

Beside a cupboard for my clothes, I have added two more some time ago.. to keep my flannel and other stuff.
Here are the pictures..

This is my desk.. that's where I put my flannel and craft books. There's a board to attached pictures, drawings, or ideas.. I have my laptop there and my sewing machine under the sleepy bear..
When I'm about to sew, I just move my laptop and put the sewing machine on my desk.. a bit complicated, but yea.. I have a small room, can't do much about it.

While cleaning up, I threw out some things, including these Nakayoshi comics no.1-32. Not the novels, it's just happen that I put them there before..haha.. and not the glasses too. Well, I gave them to my house maid, she has a teenager niece who I think might like it.


Anonymous said...

so many collections... komik lagee!!!
minjem donk :lol:

Jeanne M. Wigoena said...

hehehe.. komik nya yg itu udah dikasihin..yg ada komik2 girly loh..
masih tertarik?

Sanni said...

aha...box dari oz masih nongrong ^_^
type sew machine nya = iie? kalo mo obras pakai icon yang mana ? neci?
masih nyari nih....TQ

Jeanne M. Wigoena said...

Iya Ie..dipake buat potongan2 flannel yg kecil2 tapi masih bisa kepake, hehe..

yup sama. kepengen dari dulu, apalagi abis Iie beli, tambah pengeen..akhirnya g tahan deh. walau sempet lama dipajang aja, akhir nya kepake juga.

hmmm.. cen lum pernah ngobras ie, selama ini bagian dalem na cen lebihin banyak aja supaya g brodol.
Mungkin bisa dicoba yg d S1 itu Ie..yg F..
cen belum coba sih.. belum bikin-bikin lagi. masih ngerjain pe-er habis ditinggal kemarin, hehe..