Hello friends..
Jeanne mau pamit dulu neh.. beberapa hari ini bakalan g blogging or online or even check email maybe.. soal nya bakalan away nemenin bokap check mata ke Spore and lanjut ngunjungin adek yg sekolah di Shanghai.. hehe.. I think the "craziness" is proven here ya In? The first plan is to check eyes only, but then, let's visit Ayin (my lil'bro) too.. walahhh..
Ok deh.. see ya in the next ten days (^^,)*
asik naaa :) hehehe.. have fun at Spore n Shanghai beb, jangan lupa oleh-olehnya hehehe (ma la? tidakkkk) Wish I could tag along to Spore, last time wasn't enough. Oh well. Some other time maybe.
this is why you should get a phone with a wifi, or a portable laptop. So you could still blog and keep in touch hehehe we'll work on it ya hahahaha
wuaaaahhh ikuuuuuttttt.... :)
kalo indra minta oleh2 aja dikasih, naaaahh aku juga harus dikasih yak (sapa loe?) hehehehe :) iya nih dra..beliin donk phone yang ada wifi-nya biar cen tetep ngeblog. setuju ga cen? hehehehe :) kaburrrr sebelum digebuk indra hehehe :)
ati2 dan have fun yak :)
percayalah fun, gue sudah mencoba hihihi.. kurang neh racunnya :P
abis, dengan banyaknya wifi spot d spore, kalo kita punya hp yg ada wifinya, bakal berguna banget kan? btw fun, lo kayaknya jarang nongol di blog gw yg 1 lagi, tau ga?
@ Indra : thank you beb. I will have fun, hahaha..
kalo dapet ya ma la nya, and other stuff too..
hehe.. ntar de kapan2 hp and laptop nya.. soon I hope.
@ Fun : ayo Fun ikut, aku tungguin, haha..
Setuju Fun, setuju.. hahaha.. Indra, you heard what she said, hoho..
@ Indra (again) : jangan diracun dong akuuu. hiks hiks..
maka nya beb, ikutin saran e Fun, hahaha..
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