Sunday, March 15, 2009

Creating the Lomo Effect..

So curious banget sama hasil kamera2 Lomo ku (Colorsplash 2nd roll, Supersampler & Robot Disderi 3 lens). Yang pasti Supersampler ama Disderi lom isa dipake soal nya cuaca akhir2 ini sering banget mendung ga ada matahari.. yg ada malah ga jadi semua ntar.. soal nya ga ada flash-nya.

Trus trus, tadi lagi chitty chatty sama beb ku, dia hari ini baru habis hunting foto lagi sama temen2 se-club fotografi-nya, euw asik banget, jiwa fotografi-ku (ceilee) jadi terpanggil and as I said before, aku jadi pengen punya DLSR juga but lg tongpes, haha.. so, masuk wishlist aja.. my next b'day present? sapa yg mau ngasih? hahaha.. biar bekas jg gpp asal g rusak, wakakak.. melas (kesian) banget seh??!

Ngomong2 ngalor ngidul kesana sini trus akhirnya nanya2.. "kalo bikin effect Lomo d Photoshop gimana ya beb?" akhirnya searching2, nyoba2.. ada beberapa tuts yg aku coba..
Tapi yah.. g tau aku nyoba nya bener apa ga.. masih belajar2, Photoshop juga lom terlalu bisa soal nya.. tempat nya gradient sumthing sumthing aja aku bingung td dmana, nanya2 ama beb dulu, hahaha..

Well, ini beberapa hasil aku pajang.. hehehe..
link-nya juga aku kasih d bawahnya.. kali2 aja ada temen2 yg mau nyoba.. (^^,)*

Ini foto asli nya.. me & the lavenders.. haha..

Dan ini adalah foto2 setelah di edit..

there's also a discussion on it here. I think I like this one.

by Denny Tang
Fashion Lomo photoshop

by Emanuele Feronato
This one is easy, you can download the actions and just aplly it on your photos. But I don't really like the contrast setting. Well, I guess you need the picture with the right exposure to get the pics came out exactly like the tuts has.

This one is not a Lomo effect tuts, but I thought it's looking vintage, a old prints effect by Denny Tang.

by DPS
haven't tried it yet, coz the instructions are a bit complicated for me, maybe some other time.. but my beb tried it on one of his hunting session photos.

So, what do you think?
Which one do you like? Tell me if you try the tuts yah?


Indra said...

setelah diliat", rasa e seng paling mirip lomo effect tu fashion lomo e si Daniel.. cuma kurang gelap aja. Kalo gelapan dikit, wes dah, lomo banget :P

Rashai said...

Wah kedengerannya menarik ya.. sayang belum pernah liat Lomo disini nih,ntar coba browsing ah..
Bagus buat photo landscape juga ga?