Doh! Jek tas mulih kiii.. jek tas tutuk omah.. (read. baru aja pulang nih.. baru aja sampe rumah..) hehe..
Tumben malem banget yak.. biasa nya aku paling pol jam 11 dah di rumah..
Enak juga klo pacar lagi dateng, ga takut pulang malem klo abis pergi ama temen2 (^^,)*
We just had a barbeque party at friends house.. can't really be called bbq actually.. we had french fries, chicken wing (I think.. didn't eat that one), pok-pok (I don't know what it is, but I'm sure it's made from chicken meat), and some sliced meat, hams, meatballs and sausages we grilled on an electric grill.. We had fruit mix drinks and some soda too.
When the stomach's full.. the next one is.. let's play!! haha.. the boys are so grateful that my friend has a good collection of home entertainment.. for sure, he has Nintendo Wii, PS 3 with the flat TV.. what game you want to play? well, he got a lot of Wii games and definitely the most fun to play together (with lots of people) on PS 3, is WE a.k.a Winning Eleven. Udah deh.. cowo2 ketemu game.. langsung autis, haha..
My boyfriend and some others played upstairs, my friend has a billiard table too.. hmm.. nice eh? I can't play tho.. so I just went around trying my friend's handycam and took pictures here and there.. got some funny scene :p
I'm going back to Banjarmasin tomorrow and the packing is still 50% to go.. WOW!!!!
mesti cepet selesai'in neh.. nite2.. I'm going back to packing.. Chiao!
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