Monday, April 16, 2007

A new beginning...


Here I am, start blogging again, and I hope I’ll be able to update this one in a regular basis, haha..
Been thinking about making a blog about the things I like, especially about my hobbies on crafts and handmade stuff. Post pictures of all the things I made so far to show it to my readers (hopefully my blog is readable) and share ideas with people which has the same interest as I do, it’ll be fun, isn’t it?
The first is, I like making flannel dolls. It all started on Junior high when I found a book about it, I thought it’s really cute. And there I start making lots of it, and even some of my friends start making one too, they just can’t help it, hahaha…But then, starting college, it’s all sort of stopped. And now, after 4 years (wow, what a very long time), graduated and found some spare time after work and dating life, I start making some again =). It’s fun! Makes me lost track of time, but when the eyes get weary and tears start coming out, I know that it is time to stop, hahaha..
I collect flannel books too, most of them are in Japanese, as you know, Japs are so creative, luv 'em! Been making some dolls from the pattern I found there. You can take a
look, if you're interested in making one too, just let me know..

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