Saturday, November 15, 2008

Spiderman on the loose..

Just looking at some old pictures just now.. and this is too cute not to share..
Introducing my little brother, Sean.. as Spiderman!!!

Spiderman jaipong'an? hehehe..

Spiderman in slippers..

Try to stick himself on the wall..
He likes Spiderman a lot, and when he saw a commercial on TV that has a kid wearing spiderman costume, he ran to my Mum and said "Mum, I want that."
These pictures were taken by my Father..
What a kid.. haha..


Indra said...

... *mupeng

hahahaha.. kalo mami dulu beliin aku kostum superman. Tapi kan malu..

masa kolor dipake diluar AHAHAHA

Jeanne M. Wigoena said...

@ Indra : wakakak..emang tau emm.. malu? hahahaha..
The only costume I ever wear is Kartini's kebaya when I was in Kindergarten. hehe..

popita said...


btw, I tagged you on 10 random things! Ayo bikin yaaa. see my blog.

Anonymous said...

Wakaka. Lagi Nakal2nya ya.

Jeanne M. Wigoena said...

@ Popita : thank you.. I know, lucu banget mang dia.. sekarang tambah ndut lagi. Aku gemes2in terus adekku yg satu itu, hahaha..

wahh.. another homework.. oke Pop (^^,)*

@ Estehtawar : hihi.. iya..