Sunday, January 11, 2009

Can't stand the cuteness..

Actually, I already have a 4Gb Green Ipod, the old one.. but my brother borrow it while he's in Shanghai, so I probably won't have my hand on it for another 3 years? bleh..
And I have Indra's Ipod with me too.. but I cannot charge it if the battery is low. The only charger I gave it to my brother and I can't borrow Indra's coz he'll be using it for the new one. So yea..
Males beli charger baru e.. biasa ne mahal, hahaha..

So, I had a crush on this one.. hehe.. cute little thing, Mickey MP3.
Saw it on one of the online store and been thinking about buying it. Just that I don't think it's an urgent need, I only use my MP3 on airplanes or when I go for a tour. My right ear always hurt so bad during landing and it kinda helps.
Jadi yaa.. masih dipikir2, ditimbang2 dompet e.. dll..

Then I learned that the online store, she doesn't have an offline shop, but she'll be openning a stall in an elementary school bazaar.. hehehe.. so I went there today after Church.
I was going to take a look on it, see how big it really is and yea.. just want to see..
But THEN!! yah tau lah ya.. nama nya juga cewek, semuanyaaa mengidap penyakit mata and ga tahan-an kalo liat goodies yang lucu2.. abiss dah isi dompet, sampe cuklek (patah) dah tuh kartu digesek.. hahahaha..
Yep sodara2, I bought it!! Wohooo.. PINK one.. just can't stand the cuteness really.

in the package you'll get:
- the Mickey MP3 (of course lah yaa..)
- Mickey earphone
- USB cable + charger
- silicon case for Mickey MP3
- fish bone
- fabric case
- the manual (just a little piece of paper with directions how to use it).

You BET!!
It really is so small.. just fit in my palm.. hehe..


Anonymous said...

wahh ada yg beli juga nih mp3 :)) temen g waktu itu mo beli, tpi akhirna karena ga ada warna yg dia mau, jadi beli yg CJ7. klo ga salah dlu di kaskus nawarin sekitar 400an. kamu beli sekitar segitu juga atau udah turun hatganya skrg? :P

Jeanne M. Wigoena said...

@ Angels: Ohya? ada yg CJ7 juga? lucu dong ijo2 gitu.
Denger2 ada yg Hello Kitty jg, tp g pernah liat, girly banget kali yaa..
Aku beli nya dbawah 400 Ngel..
Tertarik? hehe..

Anonymous said...

ck ck ck
mp3 cj7?
bentuknya mirip ga?

Jeanne M. Wigoena said...

@ Ferdian: aku g tau jg Fer,g pernah Angel tuh yg temennya pernah beli.lucu jg kali ya..
Btw,suka CJ7 yah?

Anonymous said...

huaa lebih murah ya skrg.
hello kitty?? temen gw tuh yg demen. pasti pengen dia. liat dimana, Jen? kaskus ada ga yah :-?

klo aku udah ada mp3 player :P blom butuh lgi. hehehe

Rashai said...

Indeed a cute Mp3, ada yg bentuk Donald ga ya? I was a big fan of Donald back then when I was kid.. :-)

Jeanne M. Wigoena said...

@ Angel: iya Ngel, lebih murah.
Hmm..yg Hello Kitty nya lum tau yg model apa. Pas browsing2 tuh, nemunya cuma 512MB, kecil bangeeet..

ini yg kmrn diliat, tp pake bhs Jepang, g ngerti, hehe..

@ Rashai: iya cute. hmm..sorry, I don't know much about it.
Donald lucu jg kali ya, jadi MP3 yg cerewet, ribuuut banget bawaan nya, hehe.. sama kaya karakter nya.

seleraekin said...

fish bone nya buat apa ya?

Jeanne M. Wigoena said...

@ Seleraekin: fish bone nya buat ngelilitin kabel, supaya ga molor2 kepanjangan (^^,)*