Tuesday, December 24, 2013

I Love This | Give Me 5!

I hope you all will have a happy Monday!

Today I want to share this layout I made for 2Peas class challenge. I really love these two photos of my son, they were taken when he was getting ready to go to Sunday School.
He looks so energetic and excited. I love it! And they layout that Corrie made for 213 in 2013 class caught my eyes, I think they are really colorful and simple, and of course will match these photos.

This is the layout that Corrie made :

It's really colorful isn't it?
She provided some prompts for the class challenge, which are;
1. K.I.S.S. (Keep it SUPER simple.)
2. Don't fret your mistakes.
3. Try something transparent.

I decided to do number one, instead of spreading some mist, I was splatting some colors..  And I guess I was a little bit too excited that I accidentally spilled some yellow mist on the card stock, I guess I tilted it too much. But then again, i looked at the prompts and decided to use number two as well.. I shouldn't fret about it, and instead of changing to new card stock (just like what I used to do in the past), I stick with this one and thought that this can make a cute accent on the layout, haha.. Besides, papers are expensive nowadays, especially with all the currency increase. 

And this is my take for the class, using Studio Calico Cuppa scrapbook kit
I really LOVE this! 
Oh yeah, after adding the journaling, I realized that it wasn't balanced with the empty space above the photos.. so, the "Give Me 5" doodles were added last, and I'm satisfied with the result. 
And here's some close up look of the layout.

Thank you for looking :)
I hope you all enjoy your day!

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