Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Happy Birthday, Indra..


I made these guitar plushes for my boyfriend birthday, Indra. Today is his birthday..

Happy Birthday, darl!! *mwah..

Why guitar plush? well, he learned to play guitar recently.. he said he wants to play some religious songs that he likes and also, play some romantic songs for me..!! hehehe.. so sweet, isn't he?
So I made these for him.. hope he'll be more excited with his guitar lesson..

I hope he likes it..

P.S. babe, these might not come on time to you. sorry.. enjoy the picture first ya.. hehe (^',)*


Indra said...

CRAZY STUFFF!!! I DIG I DIG! I luv it beb.. A LOT!


Sanni said...

(Terkagum-kagum ...mode on)
2++ THUMB UP....!!!! WOW!!!!

Jeanne M. Wigoena said...

Glad that you like it darl.. (^^,)*
*senyum-senyum terus nih jadi nya..

Thank you Iie Sanni..*peace..

Anonymous said...

jennnnn gilaa kerenn abishhh!! hehehe indra is a lucky guyyy!! TOP jeane! :D


Indra said...

like it? LOVE IT! *mwah

Jeanne M. Wigoena said...

thank you Irene.. (^^,)*

Anonymous said...

wuaaaahh gitarnya keren euyyy..sapa nyangka dari flanel.. :)btw tuh dari flanel kan? :) kereeen euyy

..Ms. Zhen's LiFe.. said...

kerennnnnnnn.. liatnya ampe males ngedip hahahaha.. jahit pake mesin jahit donk c?

Jeanne M. Wigoena said...

Thank you Fun (^^,)*
IYa, itu dari flannel bikin nya, hehe..

Thank you Ming
Ati-ati mata e kering loh kalo g ngedip-ngedip, hehe..
Iya, pake mesin jahit bikin nya.

ei! kumpel said...

oh my, soooo cute! congrats, super fun work!

Jeanne M. Wigoena said...

ei! kumpel --> thank you (^^,)*