Saturday, July 26, 2008

Happy Birthday, Mum..

"It's a National Holiday!!!" like I said to Indra last night, and while he's still wondering, I told him, "It's my Mum's birthday". And he laughed so hard, hahaha..
Happy Birthday Mum!!
This is this mornings' picture.. foto dulu sebelum potong kue. (^^,)*

and a kiss from her lovely husband, our father, hehe..

We made a surprise for her last night, thanks to D for the idea.
So, late at night, before 12, my father sneaked out of his bedroom and get in again with a rose bouquet in his hand and us bringing cakes and confetti to be popped on the bed (we cancelled the confetti coz it makes a loud noise and my youngest brother has fallen asleep beside my Mum. We don't want to wake him. But we did popped it in the morning and Sean loves it so much.).

So yea.. Late night surprise, singging happy birthday to our sleepy mother, kiss on the lips from Dad (*aww..) and hugs and kisses from us too.. *mwah mwah.. and we go back to bed..

Birthday dinner? Nothing special, soalnya lagi bosen makan makanan Chinese and even Western, thank you for the tour, we're a bit bored of it still, but pizza is cool.. So we had dinner at Izzi, Sutos; right after we watched Red Cliff. Great story, great movie, great actors, great war strategy and the army formation. It's really cool, how can they predict their enemies moves? It's worth to watch, altho I'm pretty upset with the end. Why? Can't tell, it will spoil the excitement, right?! hehe..
Tonight's a great night! (^^,)*

Friday, July 25, 2008

Photobox lagi..

Finally.. foto berempat juga.
Mau nya sih papa mama juga ikutan, kan seru.. tp mereka g mau and cuma nunggu in di depan box aja.. hehe.. anak2 e malah guyon2 d dalem g selesai2.. hehe..

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I'm home..

Hi! Hi!
Kangen banget deh ama kalian semua.. lama banget g ngobrol and cuap-cuap disini.. hehehe..
Baru hari minggu kemarin balik nih.. capek banget, kurang tidur, pengen nya molooorr terus tiap pagi, hehehe.. tapi tak bisa, kerjaan ampir sebulan dah numpuk teriak-teriak minta dikerjain.
Selain itu, baju-baju jg perlu dicuci, altho bukan aku sih yang nyuci.. semua nya kita serahin ke laundry kiloan. Kalo dikasih ke mbak nya, bisa pingsan dia ngeliat tumpukan baju 7 orang untuk 21 hari.. Beres, tinggal beresin kamar lagi aja..

Yang pasti, buku-buku craft bertambah karena kemarin sempet nyantol d Kinokuniya, buku-buku and postcard kenang2an dari jalan-jalan juga (mau ditaruh d album foto ceritanya.. hehe..), trus pernak-pernik kecil yang dibeli buat koleksi, lotion, macem-macem tea bags yang diambil dari hotel buat koleksi (well buat dicobain seh.. aku suka teh, so yea.. kalo nyobain disono, bisa sehari minum sampe 10 gelasan, jadi bwa pulang buat minum disini.. hehe..). Trus yah, macem-macem lah.. masih amburadul gitu deh..

Ohya, ga lupa, foto2 juga belom dipindahin ke komputer..
Jadi, sabar dulu yak.. one by one, hehe..

Btw, udah malem nih, mau nge-charge dulu ya..

Buona notte..
Good night..