Thursday, March 26, 2009

Friendly Blogger.. (^^,)*

Lagi kunjung2 ke tempat temen2 Blogger, baca2 post mereka.. and ternyata, ama Enjii dkasih award.. hehe.. thanks ya Enjii (^^,)*

A 2009 Friendly Blogger award, hehe..
Does it means that I'm friendly? hahaha.. muji diri sendiri.

Tapi award ini also came with some homework,

Here are the rules:
1. Take a recent photo of yourself OR take a picture of yourself RIGHT NOW
2. DON'T change your clothes. DON'T fix your hair, just take a picture
3. Post that picture with NO editing
4. Post this instruction with your picture
5. Tag 10 people to do this.
and.. aku dah pernah ngerjain nih pe-er.. aku kumpulin tugas lama ku aja yah? hehehe.. *curang.. click it here ('^,)*


elmo said...

waah!sory baru sempet berkunjung ne..hiks.. aku cari alamatmu kok gada di blogku..hiks.. akhirnya ku google.. dan berhasil :D...

Jeanne M. Wigoena said...

@ Elmo : gpp Mo.. sama2,hehe..
btw, bisa d -google atuh?
aku g tau, hehe..