Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Congratz Bro..!!!

Today is my little brother's graduation day..
Finally, hihi.. after 5 years I think :p

Wish you all the best & success..

Monday, November 23, 2009

Looking for the dress..

Wow.. last Thursday I just had a new experience.. trying on a wedding dress!!!!
Like the other engaged girls out there and the wedding that is coming up.. this is something that's written on a MUST DO list.. haha..

So yea.. I was planning to go there with my lovely friend, Yeane.. but she phoned me last night, that she's pregnant!! (Wee.. luv it, congrats to her & hubby) and according to her condition and last time experience, she must have a bed-rest.. so she can't come and help me find my wedding needs.. well, it's oke lah.. I hope her condition will get better & the child is strong (^^,)*
So, went there with my little brother instead.. since he doesn't have much things to do, just counting days till the graduation day, which is next week.. hehe..

Then, we went to two places.. I looooove the first..
I don't know why.. perhaps because when I asked the second one.. do you have another one (models)? They just came up with dresses in the same cutting, and just different material, beads, additional lace, etc.. but overall are just the same.. while I mean is different shape.. like ball-gowns or like a mermaid ones.. both of us just got bored.. and then they said, we have different collections, but it's up stairs, the VIP ones and cost triplets than the ones down here.. what??! kamsia deh..
While the first.. I think they or actually she, have fresh ideas.. and yea.. I just like it.
It is true, the second one is known already and the fitting room is huuuge.. tapi mungkin dah jatuh cintrong tu ya susah kali yaa.. hahaha..

Oh well, I'm going back there (the 1st place) again Tuesday, tomorrow with my Mum.. (^^,)*
I already picked two shapes.. whether it is the half mermaid that will make me look slim (ohh.. all women love that) and longer legs, or the ball-gown which I think is so romantic.. hihi..

* extra to the story..
at the end of the fitting trip.. my brother said; " Sis, it feels really different you know.. seeing girls fitting regular dress on dept store and seeing this.. when you came out of the fitting room with the wedding dress.. it felt so.. WOW!! and you're NOT my bride!! I wonder how I would feel when I see mine later.."

I wonder how Indra would feel if he came fitting with me.. hmm..

Monday, November 16, 2009

Haven't met Buble yet.. haha..

I love Michael Buble.. check out his new video.. haven't met you yet.. oh, but I have!! (>.<)*

want to sing a long?

Haven't Met You Yet

I'm Not Surprised
Not Everything Lasts
I've Broken My Heart So Many Times,
I Stop Keeping Track.
Talk Myself In
I Talk Myself Out
I Get All Worked Up
And Then I Let Myself Down.

I Tried So Very Hard Not To Loose It
I Came Up With A Million Excuses
I Thought I Thought Of Every Possibility

And I Know Someday That It'll All Turn Out
You'll Make Me Work So We Can Work To Work It Out
And I Promise You Kid That I'll Give So Much More Than I Get
I Just Haven't Met You Yet

Mmmmm ....

I Might Have To Wait
I'll Never Give Up
I Guess It's Half Timing
And The Other Half's Luck
Wherever You Are
Whenever It's Right
You Come Out Of Nowhere And Into My Life

And I Know That We Can Be So Amazing
And Baby Your Love Is Gonna Change Me
And Now I Can See Every Possibility

Mmmmm ......

And Somehow I Know That It Will All Turn Out
And You'll Make Me Work So We Can Work To Work It Out
And I Promise You Kid I'll Give So Much More Than I Get
I Just Haven't Met You Yet

They Say All's Fair
And In Love And War
But I Won't Need To Fight It
We'll Get It Right
And We'll Be United

And I Know That We Can Be So Amazing
And Being In Your Life Is Gonna Change Me
And Now I Can See Every Single Possibility

Mmmm .....

And Someday I Know It'll All Turn Out
And I'll Work To Work It Out
Promise You Kid I'll Give More Than I Get
Than I Get Than I Get Than I Get

Oh You Know It'll All Turn Out
And You'll Make Me Work So We Can Work To Work It Out
And I Promise You Kid To Give So Much More Than I Get
Yeah I Just Haven't Met You Yet

I Just Haven't Met You Yet
Oh Promise You Kid
To Give So Much More Than I Get

I Said Love Love Love Love Love Love Love .....
I Just Haven't Met You Yet
Love Love Love .....
I Just Haven't Met You Yet

lyrics courtesy of newflava890AGAIN

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Sop sayuran melawan kanker..

Post ini jadi terpikir setelah menerima sms dari Mami kemarin pagi (11/12), tentang makan daun singkong yang bagus untuk kesehatan, dan Oom Shinto yang rajin mengkonsumsinya setelah menjalani operasi kanker usus.

Jaman sekarang ini tambah aneh-aneh aja yah.. banyak muncul penyakit-penyakit baru, dengan nama yang aneh pula.. pas kuliah dulu ada cikungunya (aku sering salah nyunya nyunya apa gtu nyebut nya, haha..), terus ada sars, sekarang flu burung and flu babi..
Klo dulu, baru kena penyakit-penyakit pas sudah tua, sekarang umur 20-an pun sudah ada yang (sorry) stroke, koma bahkan sampai meninggal. Mungkin karena pengaruh makanan dan gaya hidup juga ya? Junk food makin menjamur, merokok dah jadi kebiasaan, tidur malam karena pekerjaan, tekanan akan kebutuhan hidup, hiburan malam, gaya hidup bebas, polusi dll..

Tapi untunglah sekarang banyak juga orang-orang yang sudah mulai sadar akan kesehatan, makanan organik makin diburu.. terapi-terapi, pernak-pernik kesehatan seperti kalung, gelang makin digemari. Di Surabaya juga sekarang dilarang merokok d tempat umum, which is such a relieve.. aku suka sengaja batuk-batuk biasanya, klo pas ada orang yang ngerokok ga tau aturan, bayangkan deh.. antri di dokter kok merokok.. sigh..

Well, intinya semua orang pingin sehat. Begitu juga mama papa and orang-orang di rumah.. terutama papa tuh, klo ada temen nya cerita habis minum vitamin ini itu bikin badan tambah segar dll, langsung deh beliau ikut beli.. sampe g tau deh berapa macam obat yang diminum.. ada yang salah-salah, malah bikin darah jadi tambah encer. Untung deh sekarang sudah ga minum lagi.. habis nya tanpa prescription and penjelasan yang cukup tentang obat atau vitamin tersebut kan bahaya juga.

By the way.. sekarang beliau cuma minum sari buah Noni, vitamin C (Ester-C), dan minuman-minuman traditional (rebusan). And ini nih satu yang mau aku cerita'in.. tentang sop sayuran sehat yang katanya berkhasiat melawan kanker.
Resep ini didapat dari kakak iparnya papa.. berupa fotokopi-an berbahasa Mandarin.. papa, mama and emak sudah coba minum sari sayuran ini hampir setahun klo ga salah and katanya lumayan sih.. mereka ga ada mengidap kanker tho (thanks to the Lord above for their health) dan minum ini untuk stamina dan menjaga kesehatan. Aku dah pengen share resep ini lama, tapi fotokopi nya pakai bahasa Mandarin / China, jadi bingung juga nanti kalo ditanya.. and baru kepikiran buat browse terjemahan nya di internet hari ini.. haha.. ya'apa seh Jean? haha..

Resep ini ditemukan oleh seorang dokter berkewarganegaraan Jepang, Dr. Tateishi Kazu (1934-2001).
Menggunakan bahan-bahan seperti lobak, daun lobak, wortel, gubo (atau burdock) dan jamur shitake (atau biasa kita menyebutnya dengan hioko). Semua bahan direbus trus dsaring dan diminum air nya. Ampas sayur nya juga boleh dimakan, karena masih sangat sehat. Kadang-kadang aku makan wortel atau lobak nya, hehe.. For your info, rebusan sayur ini emang agak bau, tapi tahan-tahan aja yah.. demi kesehatan (^^,)*

File PDF bisa di download disini, dengan nama SUP LOBAK.

Tambahan info:
Untuk mendapatkan bahan-bahan, mungkin yang paling mudah adalah wortel, karena pasti ada di pasar-pasar tradisional sampe supermarket.
Untuk lobak, jangan yang sudah dipangkas daun nya karena daunnya juga bahan penting dalam memasak sop ini. Kalau di Surabaya, lobak berdaun bisa di dapat di supermarket Hokky, Ranch Market atau Papaya. Coba cari di supermarket terkemuka di kotamu, aku belum pernah cari di Hero, Giant atau Hypermart sih.
Jamur Shitake alias jamur payung atau lebih populernya disebut hioko, kering atau basah sama saja. Mungkin bisa beli kering karena bisa disimpan lebih lama. Kalau di Surabaya, di supermarket-supermarket ada sih, untuk murah and mutu, mungkin bisa cari di Susanna, Pabean, belinya kiloan and bisa pilih yang bentuknya masih bagus dan besar. hehe..
Nah, yang terakhir yang suka bikin orang bingung, burdock. Waktu pertama papa mama mulai cari aja salah sebutnya, sayur bulldog, mana ada coba? haha.. waktu itu nemu di Hokky, nama nya Burdock root / Gobo. Ada juga yang bilang ketela Jepang. Bentuknya panjang seperti tongkat, warna kulit kecoklatan dan dagingnya mirip-mirip tebu, rasa nya juga manis. Ada yang bilang burdock bisa diiris tipis lalu direbus dan airnya diminum untuk panas dalam atau dicampur dalam sup untuk dimakan dengan sayur dan daging. Dulu cuma nemu burdock di Papaya, Hokky dan Ranch Market, tapi sekarang kayak nya sudah banyak yang jual. Kapan lalu ada lihat burdock di Hypermart Duta Mall, Banjarmasin.
Well, semoga makin lama bahan-bahan untuk sayuran sehat ini bisa didapat dengan mudah, jadi semua bisa menikmati dan merasakan khasiatnya.

Selamat mencoba dan semoga semua sehat!! God bless..

Other stories you might want to know:
  1. Tateishi Kazu's website
  2. History & nature
  4. Success stories & other recipes
  5. Buy the formulated soup online on Alibaba or Tradekey
  6. Other stories
  7. Other downloads (recipes, knowledge on cancer, etc)
I really recommend you to read all the articles carefully before consuming the soup.. so that you really know and understand the side effects and all the cautions.
Pregnant woman should not drink the soup.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Royal Pains.. first season

Just finished watching Royal Pains yesterday.. it was fun..
Been curious about it since I saw the commercial and it says that "it's a combination of Macdreamy & Macgyver" hahahaha.. Macdreamy came from Grey's Anatomy.. one of my favorites (^^,)* especially with Patrick Dempsey in it, hahaha.. love the main character Meredith too.. hmm..
Thanks to my bro for the copy (^^,)*
By the way, this Royal Pains is a worth watching.. I like some statements the characters said and it's just different from other doctor serial I've ever watched. He, the main character, Dr. Hank Lawson, is a real Macgyver, he uses things surround him to save his patients, from sport bags to fishing hook and even drill!! Can you imagine that?

He's an E.R. doctor whose blamed for the death of a patient, who was (which making it worse) a billionaire trustee of the hospital where he works, a real bad luck.. He got dumped by his fiancee whose dreaming of marrying a doctor instead of an unemployment which is he is now. Then, his accountant brother came offering him a "vacation" which turned out to be a job opportunity.. he saved a model in a rich Hampton's billionaire party and become a concierge doctor there.. hah?! Well, it's something like the kind of doctor you can call to your house 24 hours or anytime you have an emergencies, wow.. nice eh?! Having one cute doctor you can all anytime.. hmm..

Telling you the truth, he (Dr. Hank) has a cute smile.. and no wonder some of the patients were in to him and willing to "pay" more, haha.. but yea.. I agree with the other viewer, the character is too soft, and I believe there's no guy in this world like him, except if he's a gay maybe.. (no offense to the statement, I have a gay friend and he somehow has the characteristic)
How? Well, he's too patient, really understanding, not pushy, smart, charming, bla bla bla and other things.. I'm not saying that guys are not understanding, patient or not having any of those.. it's just that most guys have maybe 7 from 10 of the good qualities or characteristics, the other 3 are the opposite characters (the negative one). I mean, have you seen (in American movies mostly) a guy who don't take the "bate" (a.k.a. a girl whose obviously into him & sooo ready to anything with him, even flirt to him) when he just somehow got dumped (for the second time)?
Well, a few did refuse, but most of them will just have a one-night-stand maybe or try to have a new relatonship with the new girl.. and this one just didn't.
And have you met a guy who'll wait patiently for his girl to decide (in this case, includes another guy) and when she's ready, she'll know where to find him.. most guys will make the girl choose, "him or me?", right?
WOW eh?!
He's somehow only a guy in a dream, or in this case, in a serial movie, haha..

And the girl cast, Divya Katdare, I LOVE her, especially when she's talking to Evan, haha..
Another guy I like is Tucker Bryant.. really nice to look.. buat cuci mata.. haha.. *sipp..

Well, just watch it and you'll know what I mean.. hehe..
Hmm.. waiting for the 2nd season (^^,)*

Night all..

P.S. just found this video.. it is said as the Royal Pains Wrap Rap video..
and to me, it's crazily hilarious.. LOL.. It's a video all the crews and cast made as a celebration for the season finale..
What's in it, I definitely couldn't believe it.. Hank is 180 degrees different from the movie, like some other comments about the video said, it should be Evan (Hank's little brother), molesting Zoey.. but yea, who's the doctor anyway.. can't believe it!! LOL (still)..

Wanna sing along? Check out the lyrics..

The Royal Pains Wrap Rap by Two Live Jew & The RP Crew

Spoken: Yeah girl… I’m gonna examine you good. This Divya and this my opthalmascope…

No signs of papilledema,
No increased intracranial pressure.
Say AHH stick your tongue out.
No abnormality of the soft palate muscles,
The uvula is midline. Midline!
Glossopharyngeal nerve is intact,
No masses in the neck or thyroid,
Lungs, heart, abdomen are normal,
Repeat the words: ball, flag, tree!
Cat box cup…
Ball, flag, tree!
Car bell juice…
Ball, flag, tree!
Pen shoe jar…
Ball, flag, tree!
Count backwards from 100 by 7s.
93, 54, 62, 63…
No neurological abnormality,
No explanation for her hallucinating.
Let’s take it up a notch!
Repeat the words: ball, flag, tree.
Ball, flag, tree!
Car bell juice.
Ball, flag, tree!
Pen shoe jar.
Ball, flag, tree! x 15
Let’s take it up a notch!

NOTE: BALL, FLAG, TREE are commonly used words during mini-mental neurological status examinations

lyrics taken from dvrlife.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Anniv anniv.. 28th

Got the idea to make this piece from flickr friends.. they are making wall decorations from these round thing, I forgot what it's called, haha..

I thought this might look cute on Indra's mum crafting place and as an anniversary gift for the 28th wedding anniversary too, haha.. finished it more than a month ago and supposed to be given on September 20th, but Indra's mum went to Singapore to accompany her mother do a medical check up, then on Lebaran holiday it's my family and I who went out of town.. so the gift was delayed till today.. weleh weleh suinee.. but I still hope she like it (^^,)* sorry for the belated gift Mum :p

Sunday, November 01, 2009

I'm engaged.. (^^,)*

*speechless.. hahaha..
I just smile all day.. so so so happy.. hehe..
Like my fiancee said (*cieee...) "We passed the semi-final, let's get ready for the final round!" woohoo.. final round as in the wedding.. ('^,)*

Woke up early this morning to have a simple make up at the beauty salon, maklum deh g iso make up dewe.. I wonder what time should I wake up for the wedding day.. my friend woke up at 3 in the early morning.. oh my.. I have to prepare my stamina *jia you..

Indra asked our friends to take our photos and a lil'video.. I was so nervous, not used to so much attention on me.. a bit salting but I try to relax.. haha..

In a Chinese tradition, the girl should not be seen (or should be hidden in the room) when they guy came.. so, I went to my room when Indra came.. tried to take a peek from my window, but couldn't see a thing.. only his Mum's friend in a flowery dress, hehe.. sweet dress.. I like it. Then I heard voices in the family room telling me that they already there.. made me so curious.. what happen, what are they doing.. I spent the 10 minutes checking the dress (it's a bit loose since the day I bought it, lost some weight, but it's okay), checked my nails hand and toes.. and then my Mum came.. "come on.. let's go.." she said.. *dag dig dug..

*smile smile.. ahh.. I saw my babe.. he's so cute, all shaved.. hmm..
I was told to go around pai2 to the elders and shake hands with all families..
Hugs and kisses to Indra's parents and they put a necklace on me as a symbol that I'm proposed and we're engaged.. different with the western yah, you just kneel, show her the ring, she said yes and you're engaged.. in eastern culture, you need the whole family to be there, haha..

Then we took photos, haha.. had lunch prepared by my Mum at our house and more photos.. hehehe.. so I'm officially engaged and not available, hahaha..

After the party, we also went to his (other) grandma's house and deliver some engagement hampers to families & friends. I really like the hampers, Indra's Mum made it for us from felt.. so cute (>.<)* our friends like them, especially the cookies, candies and food inside, especially bee cheng hiang, hahaha.. a one of a kind hampers we have & it's everybody's favorites, YAY!!

The day was great! I got a new sister, and two sets of parents, Indra has another mama and papa angkat in Jakarta, haha.. so I have three sets now (>.<)*
And later that night, we went to see movies, two married couple, one engaged couple and sweet little sister.. we watched Whisper.. I kept the movie ticket.. haha.. this is our first movie as an engaged, hoho..

So desu, I'm going to bed now..
Good night everyone.. sweet dreams.. (^^,)*