Tuesday, November 29, 2011

YAY! Finally the last batch is gointg to the oven..

Yep.. Like I have told you..
Our oven is really small that I have to divide the dough into three baking batches.. and tonight I finally baked the last one. :-)

This time, I made a smaller version than the 2nd, haha..
Well, my father in law & sister in law just got back from Singapore, so I thought it wouldn’t be enough for all of us if I make it too big.

I put a little extra effort & took some pictures of the baking process..
but I guess it’s me with a limited photography skill and the low light in the kitchen.. the photos are a bit blurry :-(
At least I still have some documentation of my cooking experience.. haha..


I like these pies..
I think I’m going to bake some again another time.. my hubby said please not in a short time, haha.. because we had it like three times in a row since I have to divide them to three batches.. :-p
He likes it though, in fact, he ate four pieces tonight! haha.. it feels so happy when your loved ones love the things you made for them, right?

Well, the next cooking project is pizza.
I just recently bought myself a pizza recipe book & just couldn’t wait to try it soon.. YAY!!

Hmm.. let’s take a rest tonight..
Good night all.. sweet dreams

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