As I promised before, I'm going to post some picture on my second attempt making dolls with sewing machine.
As you know, my 1st second attempt is not too successful, in fact, fatal!! Sew the armpit wrong and make holes when trying to fix it. Beside, the hand is too big, his body is too skinny and I stuffed too much cotton in the head. So yea.. I decided to make another one today, the same doll too..
The result.. not that perfect too tho.. his armpits still look kinda weird, hat is too big, the head is kinda lumpy, that's why I made him a scarf. But overall I hope he doesn't look so bad. And really wish Indra will like it, hehe.. since he's the one who ordered it (^^,)*
What to make next ya..?
wuah..masi mending lah loe bisa pake mesin jahit..nah gw... jahit tangan aja ga becus..apalage pake mesin jahit yak.. :)
hmm.. bikin kue2 aja.. bikin ngilleeerrr.. :) gw ga bisa loh bikin kue flanel dengan sempurna.. bikin semprotannya itu loh... polanya dah ada..waktu dijait ujung2nya kok ndak menutup rapat yak? masi ada bolong2nya gitu... jadi keliatan ga padet..
hmm.. yg cream nya itu ya?
d lem aja, aku rasa bisa..
hehe.. aku ya lupa, lama g bikin "kue". lagi asik belajar pake mesin.
Pake mesin juga baru2 ini kok Fun..
aku sukaaaa!!!!!!!!!!! :) next on the list.. toilet! :P gimme the pattern so I can put my sister to slavery in making me one hahahaha.. well.. or mum.
ok ok.. I'll copy it first, k?
I made another one too, u'll see it on my next post. *wink
considering this is only your second attempt, well done, he's looking pretty good!
ikutan donk..ikutan minta pola toiletnya hahaha :)
lucy kate :
thank you (^^,)*
and my 3rd attempt, Sprite, still have some issues with the armpit too..
Fun :
doh! doh! Indra dapet sodara kembar nih. sama-sama penggemar toilet. hahaha..
ok ok, tunggu tanggal main nya ya..
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