Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Little bird & flower flannel..

Udah dua hari ini d office ku kemasukan burung gereja.. g tau juga dia masuk dari mana.
Yang kemarin nabrak kaca pintu depan and dead seketika itu juga, saknoo (kasihaan).. yang hari ini, nabrak tapi ndak mati, cuma bingung tok.. hehehe..
Ditangkep and mau dilepasin keluar.. sempet ga bisa terbang beberapa saat, terbang pendek trus jatuh.. tapi abis gitu sukses jg dia.. hehe.. lucu yaa?

Ini foto jepit ama bros kecil yg aku bikin dari flanel.
Dapet ide nya pas liat2 foto2 flickr yg aku saved dari internet. Yg niru yg bros nya, hehe.. cuma ganti warna, abis lucu sih..
Kalo yg jepit yah karena udah bikin bros bunga, jadi pengen bikin jepit bunga.. mumpung ada jepit Iie ku yg hiasan nya putus, jadi aku ganti pake ini.. hehe.. sweet juga kan??
Jadi punya ide jualan lagi.. doh! I hope I can manage some time to make supplies to sell, hehe.. *fingers crossed

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

... wishing you all ...

The Merriest Christmas 2008
The Happiest New Year 2009

God has given us this time of Joy (Psalm 81:4 TLB)

Hope your Christmas is full of good times with friends and family

with love,

Jeanne & family

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


waahhh.. dah malem banget aku masih packing2 nih.. besok mau mudik k Banjarmasin.
Mau ngerayain Natal & Taon Baru with family (plus boyfriend, hehe..).
Rencana pulang ga bawa banyak barang, ternyata..
last days banyak dapet telpon

"Cen (panggilan rumahku), tolong bawain ini..";

"eh Cen, beli'in itu dong"

"ce, aku lupa bawa sabuk, tolong yaa.."

Walah walah.. jadi nya besok tetep bawa 3 colly bagasi (1 koper, 1 dus, 1 kereta bayi titipan), 1 tas cabin and 1 tas tenteng gede yg isa muat laptop. hahaha..banyak yoo..
Besok mesti nyempetin k kantor dulu, ada beberapa berkas yg mesti aku bawa, tp aku lupa bawa tadi.. hehe..
doh doh.. mesti inget2 lagi nih, jangan ampe ada yg ketinggalan..

How about you guys? Mau spend time dimana Christmas & New Year?
Hope you all have a lot of fun too.. (^^,)*

I added a flashfetish playlist on my sidebar, Christmas songs, celebrating the season..
Only a few (4) choices of mine, hope you all enjoy it.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Foto jaman jebot abiss..

Lagi menunggu kedatangan Lomo cam neh.. pengen yang super sampler warna biru. Tapi kata nya g ada, yg ada edisi untuk Natal, yg chromiacs. Yah, ga papa deh, udah kebelet pengen nyobain ini..
Hahaha.. ini lah jelek nya aku, kalo dah pengen sesuatu, biasa nya dengan segala cara, aku pengen nyobain penasaran, muter2 pun dibelain.. haha.. kaya waktu nyari baju dulu, hehe.. tiap outlet ditelpon ditanyain "punya pa ga?" haha..

Ohya, pas liat2 d website nya lomography, ternyata kamera Fujifilm instax mini 7 (kamera polaroid kecil gitu), juga termasuk d dalem situ loh..
Aku ada punya, beli taon 2005. Tapi cuma disimpen karena bingung make nya, soal nya film nya takut abis, haha.. and isi film nya d Indo langka atau malah g ada lagi, and di shop nya ADA!!
Mikir-mikir beli g, beli g.. g tau deh..

Btw, tadi aku coba buat foto.. pertama ganti battery dulu..

GOSH!! baterai yg dulu lupa aku copot, ampe berkarak gitu.. doh! rusak g ya?

* copot baterai, ganti pake baterai baru..
* coba nyalain..

LAH! ga mau.. hiks hiks.. piye nih..

*pencet-pencet.. g mau juga..
*buka tempat baterai..

hehe.. ada yg kebalik masang nya.. pantes aja..
* betulin baterai nya and nyalain..

BISAAAAA.. seneng deh aku..
Pas nyoba foto.. abis *cekrek.. zuuuutt.. (suara foto e keluar)..
LAH kok putih? emang sih takes time buat kamera polaroid supaya keluar gambar nya.. tapi ini ga keluar2 bok! nunggu lamaa.. kira2 dua puluh menit lebih, jadi nya cuma kaya gambar kuno jaman dulu yang dah rusaaak gitu.. kaya dah jaman jebot abis dah..

Indra bilang "film nya expired kali"

hmm.. mungkin juga yah..
soal nya tuh film udah ada di dalem kamera itu sejak aku pulang dari Beijing taon 2005 lalu, hahaha.. ga heran..
I'm glad I found it and still working good. I hope the problem is only on the film too tho.. kalo kamera nya ampe rusak, g tau tempat betulin nya dmana.. sayang kaaan..
*fingers crossed deh..

K then, night all..

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Banjir di kamarku..

Duuuh.. bener2 deh musim ujan ini.. enak sih adem g gerah, tapi macet dmana2 and jalanan banjir.. so pasti harus berjalan dengan hati2 dengan mobil yaris ku yg tergolong pendek.. kalo ampe banjir trus macet, berabe dah.. sigh.. you have that kind of problem with rain season too?
And not just that, I have MORE!! gini ceritanya..

Tetangga sebelah rumah ku lagi ngebetulin rumah nya, di-renov gitu lah, kata nya rayapan and sekalian mau ditingkat. Waktu mau2 mulai renov, pemborong nya ada sih ijin (bukan pemiliknya coba bayangin?!), kata nya mau nge-renov rumah trus ntar kalo ampe ada rusak2 pengaruh dari kerjaan dia, kita disuruh ngasih tau, ntar dibetulin gitu.. Ya oke aja lah kita, masa ada orang mau renov rumah nya g boleh. Dulu rumahku jg pernah dibetulin genteng nya..

Hari2 pertama, minggu2 pertama..

*jedag jedog jedag jedog

dari pagi ampe malem sekitar jam 10, coba deh.. istirahat dooong.. mau tidur g bisa tidur denger *jedag jedog palu nya mulu..

sabar sabar..

*krotok krotok krotok
.. besok2nya bunyi kaya di atas plafon kamarku nih kesiram kerikil bekas nge-bongkar dinding..

"he?? yang bener ae.." datengin kesebelah, tp kata nya karena dinding kita dempet, maka nya ampe serasa kaya diatas rumah sendiri. oke dehh!!

masuk musim penghujan.. dan terjadilah semua itu..
hujan minggu2 pertama, oke lah, masih g gitu deras.. and JRREEENG!!!
4 atau 5 hari yg lalu, Surabaya diguyur hujaaaan deras.. kamar ku yang pas sebelahan ama rumah org itu.. BOCOOOORRRR!!!
pertama kirain cuma jatuh d plafon *tik tik doang.. trus bunyi nya jadi beda *dub dub gitu.. kaya jatoh d atas benda apa gitu air nya.. ternyataaaa.. boneka piglet ku dah mandi, bleehh.. kasur ku d ujung nya jg dah sempet basah.. liat dinding.. ALAMAAAKKK!!! gile abis.. ada kira2 5 aliran air yang ngerembes dari atas dinding..
Yang satu gile abis.. tempelin tangan d dinding 10 detiiik aja.. udah bisa buat basahin muka.
Langsung geser ranjang, karena ranjang ku mepet k tembok yg basah itu.. trus ambil pel, ember, kain apa aja buat ngilangin and nampung bocoran.. pas keluar masuk, pas berdiri d samping ranjang


pikir "apa'an nih?"

*liat ke bawah ranjang
BUSEEEEETTT DAHHH!! marah akuuu..
wes banjir kamarku!! doh, terpaksa ngungsi k kamar mama mulai malem itu.

Pemborong renovasi rumah sebelah juga udah dikasih tau and dia bilang iya, iya dibetulin. Pas hari hujan itu jg mereka basah2 an bikin pengamanan sementara, ngebetulin sementara gitu. Dan ternyata tetangga sebelah kirinya juga lagi ngomel2 jg karena rumah nya bocor, sama kaya rumahku, gara2 renovasi-an itu.
Besok nya ujan, masih ngalir, ampe kemarin jg masih ngalir tapi berkurang and hari ini, udah g ngalir ama sekali, tapi masih ada rembesan air yg keliatan d dinding bagian atas. Lumayan lah..

EITS, tunggu dulu! Belum selesai temen2.. pas pulang tadi sore barusan..
Barang2 ku yg aku ungsi'in k kamar mama tiba2 sudah ada d ruang TV, ruang tamu.. ada apa neh??
Begitu masuk kamar mama O.. M.. G..!!
Ranjang e mama udah di tutupin plastik ama mbok ku, diatas ranjang ada baskom satu, d atas buffet jg ada satu.. and kamar nya gelap.. di tengah2 ruangan, air netes dari lampu!! Giling banget g sih??!! Kamar mama ku jadi kaya kena tsunami gitu.
Bener2 dah ni orang, yang satu belum beres malah nularin k kamar yang lain lebih parah lagi.. lapor dah k mum and dad.. setelah giliran telpon mum, dad and my brother kira2 15 menit-an per orang, diputuskan bahwa

1. besok aku bakal ndatengin Iie tetangga yg rumah e di sebelah kiri e rumah yg direnov, cari info, mau nanya gimana keadaan rumah e.
2. k pak RT.. bukan mau rame ribut lapor yg aneh2.. tapi ya emang gimana lagi.. kamar d rumah ku dah 2 yg ancur, wallpaper kelupas, furniture basah semua, dinding dah so pasti ngerembes.. wes pokok e mau nanya gimana solusi nya..
Kalo rumah ku g dibetulin, bisa2 pas dia dah selesai renov malah gantian rumah ku seng ambruk broll.

Do you ever face this kind of problem too? care to share solutions?
Thanks in advance.. (^^,)*

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Smile & Lucky Seven..

Wah wah.. Jeanne dapet award lagi, dua lagi, ga nanggung2.. kali ini datengnya dari Diana Ang..

Smiley Award??
Yang pertama g tau juga, sama bingung nya ama dia. Well, mungkin nih (I assume sendiri sih), bagi2 smile buat semua orang.. hehe.. Jangan lupa tersenyum (^^,)*

Someday, everything will make perfect sense.
So laugh at the confusion.. Smile through the tears..
Keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a purpose.
Something to make you smile: if you smile when no one is around, you really mean it.

Smile and be happy!

Ini yang ke-2 called "Happy Seven Award" "This appreciation is aimed for whoever still having lucky certain love relations, have millions memories and billions stories behind it. Possibly also had something's overturned of
the date figure?
Let us know what your unforgotten periods have!"

1. Everyone who get this award are obliged to write their recent love story & these rules in their new post.
2. Everyone who get this award are obliged to tag 7 of your friends who have an unique love story to be shared then they must do what you do as well.

These award are under license of Cindy Perdana Computeria & Fediani Putri Andarini so you must certify that you have the right to distribute & you do not violate the rules.
Contact person: Cindy (candle) /Fediani (hana)

So, the homework.. about my recent love story..
Well, you all might know already.. I'm in a relationship with Indra, and this 1st January'09, we'll be celebrating our 3years, YAY!!!
Akhir2 ini gimana ya? Tambah seru.. karena kehadiran bb pink ku, haha.. berhubung lappy ku telah tiada, aku beli bb. Jadi nya malah online non-stop with beb. Seru nya bisa kirim2 foto, berhubung aku ama dia in LD, jadi gadget satu ini helpful banget. Kalo pas mau beli baju, nanya pendapat.. bisa foto n langsung kirim.. haha.. asik kan?
This 23rd aku bakal going home to Banjarmasin, ketemu deehh.. hehe.. dah kangen (^^,)*

7 person to tag: hmm.. sapa yah? Indra (mau In? hehe..), Dian, Ie Sanni, Sandi, Angel, Taufik, & Linda.

Kalo SMILEY nya diterusin k semua orang yang mau berbagi senyum aja deh.. *smile.. (^^,)*

Which Lomo & the Earth belongs to Who??

Akhirnya kemarin ga jadi post kelanjutan nya menilik Lomo deh.. hehe..
Well, yang pasti, walau hujan gerimis, kemarin sore aku tetep meluncur ke Ore.. toko d Surabaya yang disebut-sebut d sebagai salah satu toko offline nya Lomo.
Sempet megang2 (alias *drolling) tuh Lomo Fish Eye No.2. Trus dia juga ada Colorsplash Camera yg Chakras edition. Trus Holga ada juga ama LC-A, Actionsampler.. hehe..
Mupeng and drolling at once aku.. tapi masih bingung mau yg mana nih.. ada saran g?
So pasti yg pengen dibeli sih Supersampler.. hasil foto nya bisa dbagi 4 gitu.. keren..liat deh, contoh foto bikinan anak2 Lomonesia kali ya, aku g tau jg.

Kemarin malem diajakin temen2 nonton film ini.. kayak nya sih keren..
Awal2 film nya juga bagus.. pesan nya lumayan jelas lah.. another Go Green movie kayak The Happening gitu, tp untung ending nya g se-mengecewakan The Mist.

Kalo dari judulnya, kirain hari dimana bumi berhenti berputar. Bener kan? Stood still.. artinya kan stop gitu, hehe.. tapi ternyata ceritanya ada alien gitu dateng mau menyelamatkan bumi dari kehancuran yg ditimbulkan manusia.. gimana caranya? liat aja deh.. haha.. cerita nya cuma gitu aja.. tapi kena jg sih, we have to change, human. haha..

Effect2nya ok juga, yang pasti banyak sinar2 putih menyilaukan and aku ama temen2 yg duduk d kursi no 4 dari depan, akhirnya keluar dgn mata kaya org baru bangun tidur.. rada merah and berair semua.. capek deeh, napaaa kok bisa dapet nomer segitu, haha..

Habis itu, masih 9.30, pikir mau ganjel dulu.. soalnya pada laper & aku baru dinner pop corn tok, haha.. k Excelso deh.. sekalian bagi2 oleh2 aku k Shanghai kemarin and Yeane & Oscar jg ngasih oleh2 mereka abis honeymoon cruise and jalan2 d Singapore.. fridge magnet, chocolate and little animal dolls.. YAY!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Thinking about Lomo..

Well, I always love camera.. taking photos of places, people (mostly fam & friends), etc..
walau g gitu tau soal teknik2 fotografi and cuma berbekal kamera saku digital doang.. tetep aja kan yah suka kamera.. haha..
Nah, beberapa waktu yg lalu (dah lumayan lama jg kali ya..), sejak kenal internet, bisa browsing sana sini, nyasar kesana sini (kemana tuh? haha..).. nemu deh kamera antik satu ini.. nama nya Lomo.

Bentuk nya g meyakinkan banget deh, bahan nya dari plastik, kecil mungil (g jelas jg seh, g pernah megang), warna warni (kadang2 tergantung seri gitu kali ya).. kalo liat gitu paling mikir, "alaahhh, kamera mainan ini"
Oops jangan salah.. gini-gini, hasil foto nya asik2 loh. Kalo biasa kita suka edit2 foto hasil jepretan kamera digital kita, pake Lomo, hasil cetak nya udah kaya editan gitu..
*mikir "ada graphic designer nya yah didalem kamera?" hehehe..

Aku ga tau juga seh, gimana kamera satu ini bisa menghasilkan foto begitu2, mungkin lensa or sumting2 nya lah ya.. hehe, kalo ada Lomo-ers yang baca postingan ini, tolong berbaik hati menjelaskannya, hahaha..

Trus, kemarin2 ada browsing2.. hehe.. *ketawa seneng..
Nemu info yang jual kamera Lomo d Surabaya. Beli online dari Jakarta jg bisa sih.. tp pengen nanya2 and diajarin jg kalo bisa, haha..
Ntar sore2 mau kesana.. and of course.. postingan ini akan di update nanti malaamm.. *peace

foto diambil dari

postingan ini dibuat oleh gue yang tau amat sangat sedikit banget soal Lomo. Jadi kalo ada yg salah2, benerin dongg.. wakakak.. maklum ye kalo ada yg salah..

Friday, December 12, 2008

PR lagee.. mari ber-narsis ria..

Lagi asik2nya chat and browsing2 Christmas template buat blog.. eehhh.. dapet PR dah..

PR kali ini dikasih ama si takatophilip (nama asli nya sapa yah? Philip kali ya?). Ini cocok nih buat yang suka bernarsis2 ria, tapi kasihan juga kalo yg kena pas lagi baru bangun tidur atau lagi sakit perut, hahaha.. foto tampang muless..

baca aja rules nya..

This is the rules :
1. Take a recent photo of yourself OR take a picture of yourself RIGHT NOW
2. DON'T change your cloth. DON'T fix your hair, just take a picture
3. Post that picture with NO editing
4. Post this instruction with your picture
5. Tag 10 people to do this

Ini foto ku...*dam dadada dam...

captured with my BB, in my brother's crib.

Now, the 10 people I want to TAG are.. *dam dadadamm..
1. of course, Indra - with the same shirt?
2. Kiki - langsung ya Ki, hahaha..
3. Fun - sekalian buat post baru sis, haha..
4. Elmo - lama tak dengar kabar mu..
5. Diana Ang - ayo foto2
6. Gugling
7. Rashai
8. Neno Neno
9. Ferdian - as a gift on his b'day (hahaha..)
10. Ie Sanni - hehe.. sorry ya Ie, ga papa yaa..

dikerjain ya semuanyaaa..
mau nge-charge dulu nih, alias tidur..
Good night..

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Sweater, Doraemon & Edamame..

Hehe.. just a post about oleh2nya Indra.. hehe..
Sayang neh g bisa kasih langsung and liat reaksi nya pas ngebuka package-nya.. haha..
Jadi dititipin k mama pas mama plg kemarin..

yg pertama, mainan edamame - setau ku sih, lagi musim gitu. and katanya.. mainan berbentuk kacang kedelai yg dibuat Bandai ini laku 1juta lebih dalam sebulan loh!! Gila yaa..
Kedelai nya bisa dpencet2, biji nya bisa keluar masuk gitu dan biji yg ditengah ada ekspresi nya, dari orang tua, panda sampe wajah menangis. Seluruh nya ada 12 karakter wajah dan satu surprise face, addictive banget dah ni mainan!! Mau pesen? coba klik disini..
See the video here.. lucu!!

yang kedua, Doraemon phonestrap.. lagi rame juga orang2 beli..
gantungan hp dengan gambar (sorry) pantat-nya Doraemon, hehe.. lucu ya..

yang ketiga, sweater by colorbaner kembaran ama aku.. I bet he'll like the design, a vector monster (^^,)*

So, here's the package..
btw, the bag is a gift too.. an eco-bag by metersbonwe. I got my self the pink one, haha..

My new phone..

Yo! Yo!
Seneng deh.. Napa? Well, pas kemarin jenguk adek ku d Shanghai, trus ngikut2 dia liat sekolah trus kita nyadar, laptop nya dia g compatible ama yg dipake d sekolah.. pake mac gitu lah kata nya.. trus dia pengen beli yg baru aja sekalian.. and laptop nya dia yang lama, diapain dong???
Hehehe.. buat aku dong, jadi aku g usah beli2 lagi.. hehe.. tp masih nunggu ntar dia beli, hiks hiks.. *fingers crossed, I hope it's soon.. haha.. asiiik asiiikk!!

Trus trus, karena g jadi beli laptop, aku putusin buat beli hp baru, YAY!!
Secara yg lama dah waktu nya pensiun and Indra selaluuuu aja comment hp ku kaya ulek2, segede bagong, gitu2 lah.. padahal aku suka banget. Yg lucu kalo pas pake d depan umum, orang2 pada ngeliatin.. "hp apa tuh ya?" hahaha.. SE W900i kan dah g keluar lagi, trus dulu jg g populer2 amat, haha..

So, mau yg mana ya??
Pikir-pikir, akhir nya pilihan jatuh ke Blackberry Curve deh.. Indra neh yg seneng kejingkrakan, hahaha.. dia kan dah nyoba ngeracunin aku lama, tapi aku g mau terus.. malah sempet sebel lagi (haha..rahasia ya beb..) and akhir nya aku mau-mau sendiri setelah dia dah g niat ngerayu, hehehe.. *peace.. (^^,)*

Tapi, aku g bisa ngedapetin warna pink, hiks hiks.. mahal euy.. katanya casing buat BB yg pink langka gitu, makanya mahal.. ya udah deh, syukur2 dah dapet HP nya, soal nya sebelum nya nanya temen Indra yg pertama, udah abis.. dia cariin temen e seng lain, ada tapi mahalan dikit.. ya udah deh..

Setelah nunggu beberapa hari, YAY! datanglah bingkisan BB ku..
LOHH???!! kok aneh ya kotak nya? sempet bingung mandangin kotak warna ijo and banyak tulisan China nya..
*mikir.. "kok kotak nya BB gini ya? kaya kotak obat.."

buka lagi.. ya elahhh.. *lega.. there she is.. hahaha..

buka lagi.. loh? loh? kok PINK???!!!
Waaa... ternyata dapet kejutan dari Indra.. diem2 dia beli'in aku casing nya, trus langsung dipasang gitu.. pas ngebuka, kaget banget deh.. thanks ya beb, you're a darl.. *mwah
Ini foto nya pake case silicon pink juga.. trus kapan hari ada beli gantungan doraemon and edamame, sayang kalo g kepake.. aku centelin ada d casing silicon nya, hehehe.. lucu g tuh??

P.S. hari ini genap seminggu pake BB (05/12/08 dapet nya)

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

A season to Jolly..

This Christmas season I didn't get to make anything, even an advent calendar. I made one last year, I think I finished it at 8th too. But now is already 9th of December and I haven't even start it yet, haha..

Well, if you want to make one tho, I have some useful links:
- embroidered felt advent calendar by the Purl Bee
- Skip to My Lou ideas
- thrifty advent calendar by Crazy Life of Mine
- paper holiday advent calendar by Design Sponge
- Lobotome fun advent calendar & adventures advent calendar (last year's)
- Anamama
- of flickr's collection of creative advent calendar

If you want more ideas, browse on their sites and the links, you'll find lots and lots!!
Hmm.. there are so many decorations ideas, but so little time.
I still have a guitar to finish and work. haha..

Good night all.. sweet dreams..

Thursday, December 04, 2008


Yoohooo!!! I got the book!!! The Tales of Beedle the Bard.
It’s the popular collection of children fairytales in the Wizarding world. The one that Albus Dumbledore bequeathed to Hermione Granger on Harry Potter 7th book.

As Wikipedia and other sources said, the book was originally produced in limited edition of only seven copies, each handwritten and illustrated by J.K. Rowling. Six of the books are given to the six people who were most involved with the Harry Potter series. Who they would be? Me?? (*ngarep, haha..).
The seventh copy then? The seventh handwritten copy is going to be sold in the auction o raise funds for The Children’s Voice charity campaign. And the news said that the book was already auctioned last 13 December 2007, at Sotheby’s in London. The starting price was £30,000 ($62,000), and originally was expected to sell for approximately £50,000 ($103,000).
And yeah.. so many people want it that made the closing bid far exceeded all projections. The book is won with a total of £1.95 million ($3.98 million) by a representative from London fine art dealers, Hazlitt Gooden and Fox on behalf of Amazon. It is said to be the highest purchase price for a modern literary manuscript at the date. Wow!! The children are so lucky.

What about us Harry Potter fans? The book is only produced in seven copies!! Can’t we read it too?
Well, luckily, on 31 July 2008, it was announced that they will also published The Tales of Beedle the Bard for public. YAY!! They came in standard and collector’s edition. We are lucky too!!

I saw the book order announcement at Popular (Singapore) some time ago and I want to order, but I don’t live there and I’m already back to Indonesia by the time the book is released (4/12/08), so I thought I’ll buy it in Indo.
When I got back to Surabaya, I visit one of well known bookstore here and the place where I ordered previous J.k. Rowling’s books before, and DANG!! They don’t have it; they don’t even know what book is that. Yaelah maaakk.. zhen me ban ne? Well, I just put my name there in the book order list and just hope that they’ll have it by then.
Lucky again! They called yesterday (03/12/08), saying that the book has arrived and I can make an order/book the book first, but can only take it at the launching date, which is today. I was around the bookstore last night and just decided to go there and make the payment for the book, hehe.. I already touch it last night and was tempted to open and take a sneak peak of it, but I hold my self, haha.. It won’t be fun to see it first, right?

I was browsing for the book picture to put here just now and I found.. OMG.. the collector’s edition!! SO WANT IT!!! I WANT I WANT!! But had to buy it through Amazon while the exchange rate is really expensive nowadays.. hiks hiks..
They have so many goodies in it.. For sure, it will feature ten illustrations by J.k. Rowling that is not included in the standard edition or the original handcrafted edition. There are also other miscellaneous objects such as replica gemstones, metal skull, cornes, clasp and an emerald ribbon. And most of all, it will also be an exclusive reproduction of J. K. Rowling's handwritten introduction. How can you not want it?!

Well, I’ll just satisfy myself with the standard edition for now..
Sssstt! Do not disturb! I’m going to read my Tales of Beedle the Bard..

Good night..

What I've done..

in bold typed..

1. Started your own blog
2. Slept under the stars
3. Played in a band
4. Visited Hawaii
5. Watched a meteor shower
6. Given more than you can afford to charity
7. Been to Disneyland/world
8. Climbed a mountain
9. Held a praying mantis
10. Sang/played a solo (waktu test d sekolah, does that count? haha)
11. Bungee jumped
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch
15. Adopted a child
16. Had food poisoning
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
18. Grown your own vegetables
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France
20. Slept on an overnight train
21. Had a pillow fight
22. Hitch hiked
23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill (naughty student, haha..)
24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a lamb
26. Gone skinny dipping
27. Run a Marathon
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice
29. Seen a total eclipse
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset
31. Hit a home run
32. Been on a cruise
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors (China in general, is that OK?)
35. Seen an Amish community
36. Taught yourself a new language
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing
40. Seen Michelangelo’s David in person
41. Sung karaoke
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant (salah ngebayarin orang, mesti nya temen e papa, malah salah tunjuk jadi orang lain, haha..)
44. Visited Africa
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight
46. Been transported in an ambulance
47. Had your portrait painted
48. Gone deep sea fishing
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. Kissed in the rain
53. Played in the mud
54. Gone to a drive-in theater
55. Been in a movie
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Visited Russia
60. Served at a soup kitchen
61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies
62. Gone whale watching
63. Gotten flowers for no reason
64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma
65. Gone sky diving
66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
67. Bounced a check
68. Flown in a helicopter
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
71. Eaten Caviar
72. Pieced a quilt
73. Stood in Times Square
74. Toured the Everglades
75. Been fired from a job
76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London
77. Broken a bone
78. Been on a speeding motorcycle
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person
80. Published a book
81. Visited the Vatican
82. Bought a brand new car - only once
83. Walked in Jerusalem
84. Had your picture in the newspaper
85. Read the entire Bible
86. Visited the White House
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
88. Had chickenpox
89. Saved someone’s life
90. Sat on a jury
91. Met someone famous
92. Joined a book club
93. Lost a loved one
94. Made a baby
95. Seen the Alamo in person
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake
97. Been involved in a law suit
98. Owned a cell phone
99. Been stung by a bee

just for iseng.. hehe..
how about you? what have you done from the list?

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

The Little White Horse

Just finished this book today and I’m going to continue with J.K. Rowling latest book that’s going to be released tomorrow (see tomorrow’s post), hehe..

By the way, about this book, The Little White Horse, I found out about it in Kinokuniya’s Silver Christmas Catalogue 2008. It says..

“J.K. Rowling ‘absolutely adored the Little White Horse’ and you probably would
enjoy this enchanting children’s classic about a gentle magical world where
cynicism is absent and moral fairness rules. A beautifully written story which
won the 1946 Carnegie Medal for children’s literature, it’s timeless theme is
being translated onto the silver screen in an upcoming movie starring Ioan
Gruffud and Dakota Blue Richards. This collector’s edition comes in a linen
bound slipcase and contains artwork from the original edition.”

Yea yea.. as you can guess, I bought it because J.K. Rowling loves it. Well, you must be curious and kind of trust your favorite writer choice of books, right? It’s got to be a worth reading too. In fact, it is. The book is really well written and in a beautiful grammatical language too. I like it. It has poems and songs in it and I just can’t wait to see the movie (^^,)*

P.S. was tempted to buy this collector edition, but it was very expensive SGD 40 something while the standard edition is only SGD 17, which in my opinion is better, beside it’s far cheaper, the collector’s edition don’t have much to offer either.. just the linen case and some illustrations, which are beautiful, but not so much also.

ALLERTS.. Lots of pic on latest posts!!

A lot of pictures uploaded on my 3 previous posts..
So yea.. sorry to run out your bandwidth..

X'mas in Singapore..

When I arrived in Singapore last time (18/11/08), the Christmas spirit is already in the air.. The streets are wrapped in Christmas decorations; caramel candy street lamps; lamp in lollipop, stars, candy and other Christmas shapes hanging on the trees and ceilings.. Christmas trees on the streets, dwarfs houses in cupcake shape, dolls in red and green clothes.. so WOW!!
This is my first time seeing Christmas there and I never thought of so much decorations, so yea.. you can imagine my amazement.. haha..
Here are the pictures..
I know it's not Christmas yet, but the air is already filled with the spirit.. so..
Have the Merriest Christmas for you all (^^,)*

Fabric Fun Dolls Exhibition 2008

I was really happy when I visit Singapore last time. Why? Coz there's an exhibition going on.
Fabric Fun Dolls Exhibition 2008
(with Boxy Bat Design)
Date: 21-30 November 2008
Time: 11am-8pm
Venue: Basheer City Room Gallery 231 Bain Street, # 04-19, Bras basah Complex, Singapore 180231

I found about the exhibition when I got online in my bro's dorm, Shanghai. I got so excited, especially cause I got one more day to spent in Singapore on the way home. This was the first time I'm able to visit any exhibition, especially those in my interest.
I want to go to this kind of exhibition when I visited Singapore few times before, but I always missed the date. The exhibitions were mostly held by MAAD (Market of Artists And Designers) and it's always on the first weeks (1st / 2nd) of the month. When I visit Singapore, it's usually when my Dad has an appointment with his eye doctor, and it's usually at the middle or end of month.. so yea.. I always missed it. hiks hiks.. That's why I'm pretty excited with this one..

I went there last November 27th'08.
Here are the photos..

1st pic: the front door.
2nd pic: overview of the exhibition gallery.
3rd pic: awesome Boxy Bat design.
4th pic: the lovely fabric dolls (I want to take them all home with me, haha..).
5th pic: 2 flannel Bat DNA key chain, handmade by Nana.
6th pic: a pic of me & Nana Fong (the one's holding the FFDE'08 & Bat DNA creator).

It was fun visiting the exhibition although it was not as big as I thought, well, it's a solo.. haha.. I enjoyed it. Nana is a nice person too.. and I troubled her with the tripod when I asked if I can take a photo with her, hehe.. thanks Nana.
You can see her exhibition slideshow here.
She's a good illustrationist too, I saw her painting an umbrella when I went there. you can see her work on Soloist & Buwawa (I'm not putting more pictures here, won't run out your bandwidth, hehe..).

Hmm.. I hope I can visit the next exhibitions (^^,)*

Photos with FFDE'08 on are courtesy from
The others are Jeanne's documentary

My very first swap..

I've been following flickr for quite some time and I saw some crafters from abroad swapped things (like craft materials; fabrics, buttons, etc and cute little things like stickers, ribbons, dolls, and lots!!!). I wonder if there's anyone want to swap with me.. and then, one day, a flickr mail come to me.. there's a flickr friend from Singapore who wants to make a swap with me.. All she wants is that I made her a guitar like I made Indra on his latest birthday.
I thought I was going to Singapore, it might save me shipping cost if I can finish it before 18th of November, but yea.. I got so much things to finish and the guitar just not finished yet.
She's very kind tho.. she still sent me the swap things she meant to give me and there are LOTS of them!! So many cute little things.
I feel I shouldn't only send her a guitar, maybe with some little sweeties too.. we'll see.. I'll just have to finish work first and of course, the guitar!! hehe.. (^^,)*
The things she gave me:
- girlish notebook and memo pad
- Hello Kitty zip lock
- Strawberry coin purse
- 2 mushroom magnet clip (orange & green)
- Tissue cover
- 2 Hello Kitty ribbons
- A cute jar with fabric flowers & bear, and glass carrot
- cute tapes (with many design; Hello Kitty, etc)
- 2 wooden stamp
- Kisses stamp pad
- 2 Hello Kitty fat quarter
- rabbit origami paper
- Lovers cat's plate
- Strings in four colors
- little Pinocchio tote bag
- cherry zip bag
- (tas serut) elephant
- adorable strawberry Unazukin
- awesome birdie Shinzi Katoh mug.

They all so great!! I love them. Charlene is a great swapper, she choose the best for her swap friends (^^,)*
I also just found out that the Unazukin is actually a rare toy, it's a decision maker toy which you can ask question to and able to nod while answering "yes" or shake it's head for saying "no". Made by Bandai and no longer produced, why oh why?
I saw the dolls on some of my flickr friends photo streams and really like them, but don't know how to get one and how could I expect to receive one from Charlene? WOW!! I'm so happy..

P.S. the pillow, rabbit doll and haha bunny is my own.